World Childhood Foundation Angels by Wendt & Kühn Image

World Childhood Foundation Angels

With the help of the Eleven Dot Angels’ inherent strength and the open hearts of Wendt & Kühn fans all over the world it is our wish to support the work of the World Childhood Foundation

Last year Wendt & Kühn celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Eleven Dot Angels, the first of which Grete Wendt created in the fall of 1923. We delved deeply into the history and very nature of these angels. As we did so we understood more about their ability to touch the hearts of people all over the world, with their childlike qualities, their effortless ease and their gaiety. We received countless letters from collectors sharing childhood memories of being given their figurine by someone special and of when the angels were brought out and set up by the family at Christmas. The anniversary of the Eleven Dot Angels has both motivated us and given us a sense of obligation to continue to create idealistic values with our figurines, to keep childhood memories alive and to bring joy to young and old alike in the future, too.

And so in this way the idea was born for a very special kind of commitment – the partnership with the World Childhood Foundation. A charity founded in 1999 by Her Majesty Queen Silvia of Sweden, which has since then been committed to strengthening children’s rights in 14 different countries. Here we see a direct connection with the figurines from our workshops, who have been met with love and a feeling of security all around the world. But exactly as our figurines convey this harmony and childlike innocence, this must at the same time be set against a harsh reality – that not all children experience a carefree childhood. In our partnership with the World Childhood Foundation, it is our wish to support the charity’s goals and make a difference to children throughout the world. In doing so we are also honoring the legacy of the founder of our company. “I know that Grete Wendt would wholeheartedly embrace the work of the Foundation and our joint venture,” says Claudia Baer, General Partner of Wendt & Kühn KG and Grete Wendt’s great niece.

“Children subjected to abuse are deprived of the right to a childhood and every childhood lost is an irreplaceable loss to us all.”
Her Majesty Queen Silvia of Sweden

In order to support the work of the Foundation, we are making use of a figurine famous throughout the world: the Eleven Dot Angel. We hope to use its inner strength to reach the hearts of many. This angel is special: for the first time in its history of more than 100 years it has eleven different colored dots on its green wings instead of the traditional eleven white dots. With this color variation we are incorporating one of the Foundation’s central design elements as a visible sign of our shared values. The angel carries a candle in its hand. Its light is a sign of hope and warmth.


Insights into the production process: Using a dabbing stick, the painters in the manufactory apply color by color and dot by dot to the green angel wings. Then the heavenly messengers are given their gentle smile and the candle on the yellow star spout – their light is intended to be a sign of warmth and hope. Artful craftsmanship, executed with great attention to detail.


The figurine is available in a limited edition of 25,000 pieces, the 25th anniversary year of the World Childhood Foundation. The individual serial number is printed on the underside of each figurine, in the leaflet that accompanies it and on its green gift box.

The angel is available with both blond and dark hair, and with the candle in the right or left hand.


Wendt & Kühn will be donating four euros with the purchase of every angel to the World Childhood Foundation. In addition, Wendt & Kühn from Jordanwood is donating $4.50 for each purchase from Jordanwood. The money will go directly to fund the Foundation’s projects.


The World Childhood Foundation was founded in 1999 by Queen Silvia of Sweden to safeguard the right of children to a safe and loving childhood, and to work in particular to improve the living conditions for children at risk of becoming victims of violence or sexual abuse. There are four affiliated foundations of the World Childhood Foundation in Germany, Sweden, the USA and Brazil currently working with more than 60 partner organizations in 14 countries.


Childhood promotes innovative and sustainable projects that focus on the intervention and prevention of child abuse and sexual violence against children. The Foundation aims through preventative measures to educate children about their rights and in this way reduce abuse, exploitation and neglect. The projects are chosen based on the areas where children are particularly vulnerable, the needs for support are greatest and where the organization has the greatest experience and knowledge and thus can make the most difference.


Most countries in the world have agreed that children’s rights shall be protected. In showing unity for children, several countries have signed the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Every color in the logo of the Foundation and on the wings on the eleven dot angel represents one of the articles of this Convention.

Every color in the logo of the Foundation and on the wings on the eleven dot angel represents one of the articles of this Convention.

The Convention applies to all children. Every child has the same worth.

The best interest of children must be the primary concern in making decisions that may affect them.

Every child has the right to life and development.

When adults are making decisions that affect children, children have the right to say what they think should happen and their opinions considered.

Children have the right to be protected from being hurt and mistreated, physically or mentally.

Children who cannot be looked after by their own family have a right to special care and must be looked after properly, by people who respect their ethnic group, religion, culture and language.

Every child shall have the right to rest and leisure, and to engage in play and recreational activities.

Every child shall have the right to protection from all forms of sexual exploitation and abuse.

States shall take all appropriate national, bilateral and multilateral measures to prevent the abduction, sale, or traffic in children for any purpose or in any form.

Every child shall have the right to physical, psychological and social rehabilitation, reintegration and recovery in cases of neglect, exploitation, abuse or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Join us with your purchase of this limited-edition angel in supporting the World Childhood Foundation. Thank You!